Classic is one of those MMOs that has changed my life. This game is amazing, being able to bring people together. However, this wonderful seems tohave forgotten that its on the Internet. The admins, probably ranging from 14 years old to 20, seem to ban people for the most outrageous of things (like I got banned for 5 months for saying "rp?" like 80% of Graal players). Its baffiling to have little care about whos being the admins.
Along with this, this game is compatible with most Apple devices, which is fantastic! However, it seems that the update that "fixed screen resolution issues" not only fixed the problem for many, but has caused an extremely BAD problem that has been needing solved since the update. I, as an iPad First Generation user, cannot log into the game because of this "screen resolution fix". I will bet that Im not the only one who has been affected by this and Im extremely disappointed in this not being fixed for almoat 2 years now ):
Other than what Ive said bad about the game, this has been a game I suggest getting if you enjoy meeting and talking with other people! Its got that Zelda-esque feel that can draw in Nintendo fans while still being fresh and original at the same time!
(P.S. I hope this reaches the people at Eurogamer and they can possibly fix this "screen resolution" problem for iPad 1gen users, but still keep it requiring at least iOS 5.1.1! Thanks a million if this happens <3 love you guys)
iDarkLink about GraalOnline Classic+, v1.20